Combo Graph



As an Engine Plugin

Download Plugin from Marketplace and make sure it's enabled in your Plugins window: Edit > Plugins > Gameplay > Combo Graph.

As a Project Plugin

It is best to add the plugin specifically to the project instead of using it from the engine because then you can update on a case-by-case and as needed basis (which is great to lock down your dependencies)

If you leave a copy in both the engine and project, the engine will always use the one in your project but the launcher will still tell you when there is an update.

  1. Once the plugin is installed from Epic Launcher
  2. Locate where the engine is installed and Navigate to the installation folder for marketplace plugins. By default, Combo Graph should be installed in ...\UE_4.27\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\ComboGraph
  3. Create a Plugins folder in your project
  4. Copy the Plugin folder from the Engine Plugins to your project's plugin folder (../UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/ComboGraph to YourProject/Plugins/ComboGraph)
  5. Start the project
  6. Make sure it's enabled in your Plugins window: Edit > Plugins > Gameplay > Combo Graph.
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